Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cognitivism in Practice

After reflecting on this week’s instructional strategies, I would have to say that “Advance Organizers” relate to and fit the description of the cognitive learning theory. According to Pitler, Hubble, Kuhn, & Malenoski, “Using multimedia tools as advance organizers is an extension of expository, narrative, and graphic advance organizers. For many students, multimedia is very effective because it helps them both activate prior knowledge and develop a mental model to help them understand new information” (pg.82). This relates to the information processing approach of the cognitive learning theory. Each idea is connected to every other idea and information that is stored in our long term memory. Advance organizers can help students use their background knowledge to learn new information that is present with advance organizers.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


  1. It is important for students to make connections so they can retrieve and store information for later use. Using multimedia in the classroom is essential since this generation breathes and is somewhat bored without it. Therefore, the most important way to reach our students is to use what they already know how to use (technology).yolette

  2. I agree that advance organizers are a great cognitive learning tool. It helps teachers who may have problems with students who need help with note taking and focusing to see what they are going to cover. It helps students organize their notes and creates a progression or a flow. Teachers can go back to the organizers and ask questions or cue students reminding them that they can look at their sheets if needed. As a math teacher I make sure to remind my students that they can use the advance organizers during tests and quizzes and how they organize and fill them out is important. They are reminded of the time limit so they still need to study the material, but at least it is there for them if they need to look at it. I would use advance organizers and concept mapping tools so that they can compare concepts and list similarities on their organizers. This way they can further organize the information in different ways.
