Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Constructivism in Practice

According to Pitler,Hubbbell, Kuhn, & Malenoski, “we most often think about generating and testing hypotheses in the context of science concepts, this strategy is applicable to all content areas" (pg.202). I at first, I disagreed with this statement, but after exploring this weeks resources, I have begun to see how generating and testing hypotheses along with technology tools can complement the constructionist learning theory. In health class I structure a lot of opportunities for problem solving. I have the students’ role play, create scenarios, create projects, and debate topics. In most of these activities, the students have to either make a decision or solve a problem based on set criteria. At times, there could be a lot of data for students to consider when making a decision or trying to solve a specific problem. In the past I would usually just have my students’ create an informal way to assess their findings. I now see how technology can help students gather and interpret the data in a more efficient manner. Through the use of spreadsheet software, data collection tools and web resources, students are able to make more informed decisions based on their findings. In the furture, I'm now going to structure tasks that will help guide students through generating and testing hypothese when using constructivism activities.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


  1. Greg,

    I think technology helps follow through with decisions. Mr. McDivitt using a video program in our readings will help them discover what works and doesn't work. In the video game,the students will have to make decisions on policies and military decisions. They will learn you can't change your mind or ease your answer. However, they will learn from their decisions. I think technology is a great tool to assist students in problem solving. I too, have to create more opportunities for this in the classroom.


  2. Greg-

    The constructionist learning style is how majority of us in the real world learn. When you give your students the chance to practice their problem solving skills in your class you are providing your students the tools to make them successful in the real world.
