Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blog Post: Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

There are several ways I will use the GAME plan process with students to help them develop proficiency in the technology standards and indicators outlined in the NETS-S. There’s a lot similarities between the teacher and student indictors, so it would only make sense to teach students how to use the GAME plan to help them monitor their learning. Teaching and outlining the four step in used the GAME plan will be the first step I will take. I believe that this must be the foundation to help guide students into becoming self-directed learners. Teaching students the GAME plan will help them learn how to think about their learning process, especially while they are learning about the technology standards and indictors described by ISTE. The GAME plan will help teach students how to customize their own approach to learning, help them develop important technology skills, and help them become self-directed learners.

Teaching students how to set goals (Technology Related) and self-assessing those goals is another key aspect of the game plan. To help students with this process I will display the NETS for students and have the select one goal to work on throughout the term. I believe that this help student determine which skills they all ready have and decide on the ones they need to learn more about. Once my students have decided on a standard, they will need to create their own GAME plan. Each student will be responsible for coming up with a way to demonstrate that they have obtained their goal. I believe that teaching students how to use the GAME plan will help them learn how to set goals, take action, monitor those goals, and reflect on their learning.



  1. Greg,

    I have found it difficult to teach middle school students the importance of setting goals and working towards them. I think it is the age!

    What kinds of ways do you think your students will demonstrate their knowledge of the goal they have obtained? Just curious.


  2. Hi Erika,

    It is hard to teach middle school students the importance of setting goals and working towards them. I try to get students to understand that goals are important part of growing up and they give them a sense of purpose and direction.

    Typically, I will have my health students set a fitness related goal. If they are having trouble reaching their goal I will ask them to identify the problems that are arising, list options to solve the problem or problems, decide and take action, and then evaluate their choices. I believe that this teaches them to measure their progress and maybe make some changes along the way in reaching their goals.

    I think it’s important to have students keep a log, journal, or a chart to measure their progress. For example, if they set a goal to run a mile faster or to break a record, I have them record and keep track of their time each time we run the mile. This way it gives them a way to review their results and to see how far they have come. Then they can use this information to share or demonstrate the achievement of their goal or use it to modify their goal or the strategies that they were using. It’s really the same concept as the GAME plan we are currently using, but just a little more kid friendly.

